Stable and Consistent Improvements in Health - Haim (Age 13)

This article is a part of a series of reviews from people whose cats have shown signs of improvement after taking Greycoat Research’s supplements (AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Chicken Treats, Intensive Protocol). All reviews are posted with the consent of the reviewers, and are shared for the purpose of giving hope to cat owners around the world caring for cats with kidney disease or other related disease.

We at Greycoat Research support the efforts of all cat owners around the world who fight to ensure a better life for cats with CKD.


Meet Haim!

  • Name: Haim
  • Age: 13
  • Weight: 6.8 kg
  • Notes: Stage 2 kidney disease, P. aeruginosa infection


Effects of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol

🗓️ Period: 1 month

  Before After
Creatinine Levels 4.6 2.9
Activity Barely able to walk

Increased activity
(Began running around)

Energy Levels Constantly sleeping, no energy Increased energy and higher spirits
Azodyl, omega-3, AmainAvast, Kremezin, Samylin, antibiotics AIM Dr. Toru Protocol,
Azodyl, omega-3, AminAvast, Kremezin, Samylin, antibiotics


A Message from Haim's Caretaker

On October 2022, Haim was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease. To make matters worse, he also had a case of P. aeruginosa infection, so I was worried about his health. At first, I tried to manage his kidney functions with supplements alone, but later began to put him through stem cell therapy as well.

During this time, his condition started to improve, but he remained lethargic and couldn’t even walk properly. And despite his improvements, his condition would suddenly deteriorate at frequent intervals.

I made the choice to start feeding him AIM Dr. Toru Protocol in addition to his original supplements for one month. Thankfully, the capsules were small, so Haim had no issues taking them.

In just one month, Haim’s creatinine levels fell from 4.6 to 2.9, his SDMA levels from 27 to 20, and his BUN levels from 99 to 73.

Before he started taking AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, Haim could barely walk, and spent most of his time sleeping. However, after he started taking the supplements, he’s been a lot more interested in his toys and surroundings, and is noticeably more active.

Furthermore, while his condition does still occasionally deteriorate, the frequency of these incidents has gone down by a lot, and Haim remains consistently healthy otherwise.

Haim's Blood Test Results

Get your cat the CKD care they need before it’s too late!