Getting Better, Not Worse, from Stage 2 CKD - Jelly (Age 6)

This article is a part of a series of reviews from people whose cats have shown signs of improvement after taking Greycoat Research’s supplements (AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, AIM Dr. Toru Protocol Chicken Treats, Intensive Protocol). All reviews are posted with the consent of the reviewers, and are shared for the purpose of giving hope to cat owners around the world caring for cats with kidney disease or other related disease.

We at Greycoat Research support the efforts of all cat owners around the world who fight to ensure a better life for cats with CKD.


Meet Jelly!

  • Name: Jelly
  • Age: 6
  • Sex: Female
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Notes: Kidney levels consistent with stage 2 kidney disease from a relatively young age (2 - 3)


Effects of AIM Dr. Toru Protocol

🗓️ Period: 2 months (Mar. - May 2024)


Before After
Creatinine Levels 1.93 1.68
BUN Levels 33 25
Renal N, probiotics, omega-3 AIM Dr. Toru Protocol,
Renal N, probiotics, omega-3


A Message from Jelly's Caretaker

In 2020, Jelly was diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease. At the time, she was only 2. Since then, I’ve tried everything in my power to take care of her kidneys. I tried giving her various supplements said to be good for cats like her, but even then, her blood test results would still sometimes show signs of her kidneys getting worse.

I eventually turned to AIM Dr. Toru Protocol, giving Jelly 1 capsule a day (2 when her condition seemed to be really bad).

After 2 months of giving her the supplements, her creatinine levels went down all the way from 1.93 to 1.68. Her BUN levels also fell from 33 to 25. Her blood test results indicate that all her levels have returned to their normal levels, and I’m overjoyed to see how much better they’ve gotten.


Jelly's Blood Test Results

Get your cat the CKD care they need before it’s too late!